Thursday, June 25, 2009


I would love to post your stories about conversations with strangers. C sent me this fantastic story today:
Can I tell you - while I was walking back from picking up lunch, this Asian fob guy started talking to me? He just started walking next to me and said, "You are so beautiful can I meet you?" He kept saying things like, "My heart jumped when I saw you and how beautiful you are" and "Your grace and elegance make my heart explode." I kept asking him if it was a joke and how much money his friends were paying him to talk to me, and he kept insisting that it wasn't. He kept laughing a little, which made me think it was a joke, but he also seemed very shy so I didn't press. I told him I had a boyfriend. Then he kept walking with me, literally repeating every minute that I was beautiful and saying poetic things about his heart that nobody really says out loud, or ever (very quickly, like muttering them almost), and I asked him what he did for a living and what he was doing around the area, etc. he seemed to answer me quite earnestly. I told him thank you and that it was nice that he came to talk to me, to encourage him. At the end he said, "It makes me so happy to be talking to such a beautiful girl like you." Then I said bye. I still couldn't tell if it was a joke, but either way, it was really amazing having someone (even if that someone was an unattractive fob that may have been playing a joke on you) recite lines about how your beauty makes their heart jump.

The end.

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